Falling For the Second Time
Falling For The Second Time
Did I just fall again
Took a tumble down
I think I did
The satin brown red
And left a burglar mark
Of impassioned fingerprints
And disheveled my breath
Did I once come up for air
From under the taught ache of her whisper
Though she set me to coals amber smolders
I could not find any more beauty
More keen
Than cry she let rip for me
Stabbed my heart with Bromeliads
I think it was then
That I fell again
Tripping down soft sighs
To her throat
Where the scent of felicity lingered
Breaking recumbent
I hung intoxicated in a hair trigger bewitchment
Falling again
To the curls hidden secret
Where her eyes abandoned their focus
A Siren she called to me
And pierced the will of resistance
To the heart pounding moment
Fired bolt of yearnings want
Felled me
I fell
Falling again
In love