Falling In Love
In those first moments, it was just a spark,
A tiny flame that flickered in the dark,
But soon it grew, and oh! How it glowed,
Until it filled my heart and overflowed.
At first, it was a rush of butterflies,
A fluttering feeling I couldn't disguise,
My heart skipped a beat with every glance,
And I couldn't help but give love a chance.
We talked for hours, getting to know each other,
Sharing secrets and stories like long-lost lovers,
Every moment was a joy, every second sublime,
And I knew in my heart, you were meant to be mine.
With each passing day, I fell deeper and deeper,
Caught in the sweet spell of love, a true keeper,
Everything was brighter, more vivid, more real,
And I knew that with you, I'd found a love that could heal.
We laughed and we danced, we explored and we dreamed,
And I never felt more alive than when we teamed,
Together we faced the world, hand in hand,
And I knew that nothing could ever withstand.
Our love, a force to be reckoned with,
A bond that could never be severed or dimmed,
For in each other, we found our true match,
A love that could never be undone, never detached.
May we always cherish the memories we make,
And keep falling in love, again and again, without mistake.