Love Poem: Falls into place
Ailsa Wright Avatar
Written by: Ailsa Wright

Falls into place

Undeniably easy for too many to say
How easy change is if done their way 

Oblivious to the fact you gave everything a go
If only it was as easy as they think and say so 

No concept of the struggle, not even a clue 
How hard it is to try again when failing all you do 

Adding to the anxiety, you're aware their anticipating 
Where you'll go wrong next, you feel their eyes watching and waiting

Too quick to cast judgement and tell you what they would do
But little do they realise, that's not helping you
Sometimes all it takes is no words at all 
A simple hand up next time you fall

Just to know we're not alone in the hardships that we face
As we long for the day it all falls into place