What is Family?
The Faces you've known since birth...
With all their childhood memories of laughter and joy.
What is Family?
The Myriad of Relationships you've grown to know...
With all the pleasures and sorrows inherent in them.
What is Family?
The Fathers and Mothers, Sisters and Brothers...
With all their attention and care devoted to you.
What is Family?
The Husbands and Wives, Sons and Daughters...
With their willingness to join our exclusive club.
What is Family?
The Uncles and Aunts, Nephews and Nieces...
With the extension of love that makes them part of your life.
What is Family?
The so many Cousins, Second, Third, and so on...
With whom we share the stories and tales today and memories past.
What is Family?
They are All of These and more...
With them we share our secret and unspoken love.
What is Family?
Mine are God's special gift to me...
With Him some now rest; to them and all not yet there I say,
"I LOVE YOU", and "THANK YOU" for being my Family.