Family God and the Eagle
Family should be loyal and caring
and not instigating. Accusations fly
In the blink of an eye, they have no
appreciation of how hard you have
When a daughter goes through bondage
and struggles, in a world filled with troubles.
A father should be the man of the house,
putting forth a warm embrace and
encouraging cuddles.
A sister who name calls, in her sisters situation
of need, take a second of consideration before
you commit to the deed.
A mother of unchanging ways trapped in her
own bondage for countless days. She can't
help you in fact it's sad to say, with her defeatist
attitude she will surly sway you to stay.
Do not fret and do not worry, you have a family
in Christ who will always encourage. God will lift
you high on wings of the eagle through your
struggles. Be at peace God is love and he truly sees.