Marked well with awesome affectionate hues
Family love exudes color-filled bliss
Designed by God to vanquish conflict blues
Exposing joy, each member should not miss.
Family love exudes color-filled bliss
Along fervent heart from reddish glad face
Exposing joy, each member should not miss
While in the pink of health, beaming with grace.
Along fervent heart from reddish glad face
Golden rings radiate covenant ties
While in the pink of health, beaming with grace
Mom and Dad hold hands; and we do likewise.
Golden rings radiate covenant ties
Yellow bells show anniversary-glow
Mom and Dad hold hands; and we do likewise
Since we their children --- their love story, know.
Yellow bells show anniversary-glow
With sweet peace from paradise so green
Since we their children ---their love story, know
Parents’ partnership of caring scene.
With sweet peace from paradise so green
Home’s warmth oozes midst compassion wonders
Parents’ partnership of caring scene
Manifesting kindness midst gray blunders.
Home’s warmth oozes midst compassion wonders
Designed by God to vanquish conflict blues
Manifesting kindness midst gray blunders
Marked well with awesome affectionate hues.