Fatal Injection
Remember the good days?
We were just kids
We fought all the time
But were always good friends
We'd always have fun
We'd play games all day
Those were the good days
What can I say?
You are my sister
My flesh and my blood
My gift from God
From the heavens above
You mean more to me
Than a bat or a ball
You were always there for me
To catch me when I fall
Now it's your turn
I must help you
You're lost and confused
You don't know what to do
You've sold your soul
And now you're in pain
Now you'll do anything
You're going insane
Your body is ravaged
Your mind is fried
You need to get help
But you haven't even tried
You need to find yourself
The person within
Help yourself now
Before you can't win
I remember the old you
The one with no fear
Have you seen yourself lately?
Take a look in the mirror
Maybe you will see
Maybe you will care
This is hell in the making
And I cannont bare
Find yourself now
Get out of this nosedive
You must find your center
Or you will never survive