Fateful Day
Oh that sweet summer day
When I meet my joy
Coming the other way
Through the grasses green
And the flowers that sway
The sunlight diamond like
Sparkled lofty in blue sky
Radiating love from upon high
Such a fateful day for me
I now remember with a sigh
The very grass waved to me
As I walked and passed it by
Flowers smiled my soul so free
Mother Nature verily grinned
From every single tree
An inner glow she possessed
An inner light so warm
From her very soul I guessed
I had to discern this fact
So I made its discovery my quest
But awry I went in this pursuit
Missing by a margin my intent
The light I fail to find the root
A mystery to me it still remains
Like why Eve decided to eat the fruit
But now I seem to have my own glow
From inside to seems to have come
And from inside it still seems to grow
How it has happened I cannot say
I where it will lead to I do not know
Although she now accompanies me not,
The light has not abandoned me still
And its fire seem so bright and hot
The further I walk toward my fate
The love that gave it cannot be forgot