Father and Son
As I stand atop purple mountain majesties,
And watch the sun set across thy mighty seas.
I feel your gentle breeze upon my face,
And realize your magnitude as I pursue this awesome race.
You created all wonders and beauties that we behold,
Your words are infinite and timeless never changing, never growing old.
Your love abounds in times when there is none,
The sacrifice You gave to us, Your only Son.
To teach Your way, He came and left too quick,
With His hand of love, He touched and healed the sick.
Then betrayal by a friend would lead to the worlds saddest day,
As they beat and abused You to that hill so far away.
A crown of thorns they placed upon Your precious head,
A sign nailed to the cross “King of Jews” was what it read.
Then the ringing hammer nailed to the cross, Your hands and then Your feet,
And they raised the cross and people watched as Your blood dropped to the ground so pure
and sweet.
You took on our sins that very day,
Like a sacrificial lamb, this was the only way.
This was God’s way of showing to us a thing called love,
And a chance for us to reunite with our Heavenly Father in His kingdom up above.
So let this Easter hold a special meaning,
Think of Jesus and how the spilling of His blood to this day is still so cleansing.
And let His resurrection be a guide for our own rebirth,
To live virtuously in His name as we traverse this earth.