It is a secret
You’re afraid to reveal
Too much of your heart
You’re afraid, so you conceal
The real you, the real truth
The hues of hope and faith
The sweetness of such grace
It is a worry
You’re too aware of
A darkness that hurries
To dim your sparkle, to dissuade
Your kindness, your blazing
Spirit, your warmth and sincerity
The feelings that make you believe
In the brilliance of a light…
That pours out over the blackest night
It is a doubt
You’re ashamed to speak of
A discouragement, a dread – clouding
Out all the good, the amazement,
The wonders that assure the soul
There is a joy that grows and grows,
A miracle so abundant it consoles,
Phenomenal love, compassion so perfect
It is a lonely ache
Surviving the hopes in your heart,
Isolation from the whisper of grace,
Seclusion from the chance
To reach out to someone with faith,
Smile through the burning of a past
Where you didn’t know kindness or the
Meaning of relationship – fulfillment
It is a detested place
Where there is no honesty or thanks
Where light never makes its way
Through the desperation, the grief, the despair
That seems to penetrate each inspiration
With seeds of distrust and reservations,
Suspicions that keep you from the answers,
The trust that stirs your heart to assurance
It is there, in the shadows
Where hearts are broken and spirits
Are destroyed by the sorrow and pain,
The endless feelings of loss and disgrace
The abundance of miseries and mysteries
Who make life feel like a horror tale
Instead of the promising narration of inspirations…
The poetry of a life who is guided
By the hand of One who knows
The heart is made up of more than one
Poem, more than one tale, more than one
Verse that leads to the conclusion, the victory
Comes in believing that the ending, the finish line
Will bring a reassurance, a confidence, more penetrating than the
Past could possibly destroy with its uncertainty and malice!
The poetry of a life – is created by
Listening to His love – His light
Breathing softly, gentling…
All the dark shadows and strife
And - FEAR is the final sacrifice!
Revealing Your Soul And Other Tension Poetry Contest
Sponsor: Sotto Poet
January 8, 2023