My friend, Ennaytsch, has said, ‘Basic, is Fear…’
The fear of poverty’s a noose,
That tightens more, the more you try
To pull it loose!
The fear of criticism grows,
Each time you criticize,
The fear of loss of Love abounds,
If you feel sure you’ll lose it!
This, I think I can surmise.
The fear of death, the river-crossing
That we make but once…
That river is too large for death!
It must insist on tossing
Spirits back into new bodies…
(That is birth, or I’m a dunce!)
The fear of illness has forgotten,
Health is like a well…
And, if we use it up, ill-gotten
We will need to rest, a spell…
The fear of old age thieves all Peace,
We’re never where we Are…
Nor can I ever heav’n’s lights reach,
Till I become a Star!
The fear of loss of freedom is
The cancer of our age…
We fear rat-races (and car-chases
Are but symptoms, rage’s cage…)
You see, fear Owns the one it eats
It numbs, poisons the mind,
It stops the heart, and mocks our Art
Adds shackles, and rejects those kind
And gentle folk,
Who come to help us on our way…
But Courage, Wisdom, Selfless Love,
Sweet Harmony, Truth, Peace,
And Righteousness
Are answers to these seven fears,
The children of Unconsciousness…