Feed My Soul
Your very Word feeds my soul
I thirst for the spring of Your living waters
I am desperate for Your love
Totally lost with out You
My eyes seek only Your face
Yet, must be shielded from Your brilliance
The beat of my heart ... is from Your glory
For without Your life giving Spirit, it would fail me
The earth that I stand upon would swallow me
If I had not You to hold on to
Let my voice be a pleasing sound to You, O’ Lord
As it sings praises to You
May I dance, from now till You take me home,
With joy and adoration for You and You alone
I sing Glory! For You are worthy
Much more than I alone can give
Thanks be to Your mercy
For it is why my life was spared
Your voice calling me, It's the sweetest sound
I long always to hear it in my ears
Your laughter I desire to witness
As I stand before you in my awkwardness
You bring such joy, that I care not how I look
Thank You Lord for loving me
I cherish Your arms around me
As I think about the cross and all You gave