Feel You Fall
Feel You Fall
With music all around us
and lights dimmed up above.
My favorite part of dancing
is to feel you fall in love.
I can almost feel your heartbeat
I can't find the words to say.
Smelling your scent on your body
as we slowly start to sway.
I see no one around us
I have eyes for only you.
I'm thinking about forever
and all the things I long to do.
I want to be your knight in armor
when push comes down to shove.
But right now I'm so happy
to feel you fall in love.
I want to see you happy
I want to see your dreams come true.
I want to see you with me
I want me holding you.
I want to be there for you
I want to be there through it all.
If you can feel it starting
I will catch you when you fall.
Edwin C Hofert