Feeling the Emotions
I feel like a part of me is missing when I'm not around you
I just want you to hold me and make me feel like you use too.
Am I asking for too much? When I'm yearning for your touch
After all this time I'm beginning to miss it so much.
I'm starting to think that this thing we have just wasn't meant to be
Each day we are drifting away from one another and you will end up losing me.
I pour out my heart to you but you ignore every single word I say
I threaten to walk out and you reply with an okay.
Your definition of a relationship is opposite of mine because if it was the same
I would not be the one to blame and things will remain the same.
I'm lost, confused, with no direction or patience in trying to work things out
Everytime I think I want to here comes................DOUBT!!!