Feelings of a Man
To be on a hill on a tall dark horse,
With the wind
In a slight breeze
To take away the sweat from your forehead
And your steed
As look down at where you will be, with ease
Shining all in your full battle gear,
The sun reflects of all your medals of heroism
Pinned up on your chest
Shining out the thoughts of your loves, shining near
Your favorite surrounds your own heart,
You’re at and with your best
As you ready to go into the rift of blood and chaos
It is the loved ones on your mind that you protect
With your own life, as your heart will reflect
A time in your life you enjoy a tear
For yourself, as you ride out to a possible loss
To meet deaths own door without fear,
And feel more alive now than ever before
with the souls you protect
With the feelings of a man
written 062714