Feelings Smp
An unidentified tomb stone so is your mystery
Downpour after the drought so refreshing is your confidence in our love
Nourishment after the famine your trust sustains me
Lay me down in your certainty & bed me with the tenderness of your heart
Shower me with your generosity & pamper me with your care
Dry my hair with your patience & perfume me with your sensitivity
Stay true to your promises you will
Intense as the sun are your desires and motives
Dreams as free as the flight of birds
Tropical origin you must be from your very soul leaks warmth
Convincing, inviting you open the door to possibilities
Charm you possess far surpass the rest of your species
Intriguing your customs and your way of life
Zest for passion you possess
Eager to live life, eager to learn you generate enthusiastic excitement
Free from limitations yet perhaps bounded by the heart you reach out for love
Longing to be understood wanting to be seen & heard you express this through
Take time my love stop & notice life be stress free as you ought to be
Privileged you are for from bondage you do not long to be released
Make time my love the sun sets oh too quickly
Stop and smell the grass make time for love make time for you make time for me
Written by Shivon Mejias