Feelings That Are Hidden
Have you ever had that feeling
Where you feel numb
To all the pain
Physical and emotional
Where you want to throw up
And your visions blurry
Both your head and Eyes hurt
From all the tears you shed
But it not just any tears
Its tears of love and hate
You love a few things
But hate a lot more
You love someone
But he cant be there for you
He wishes to be there for you
Next to you
Helping you heal from all the pain
The pain people caused you
The pain from self harming
The pain from it all
You hate your family though
Their supposed to be there for you
But their not
They only care for themselves
They don't care for you
They never even loved you
They just put you through misery
Even when the know your having a bad day
This is just one of the poem I wrote so far
About my pain I have
About the feelings I feel
About the stuff I go through
I write to express my feelings
The feelings I keep inside
Through out the words
That people might understand
I draw to show how I feel
So you can see it
See the hurt and pain
In just one masterpiece of mine