Feelings Waiting To Be Kissed
Mournfully I sit here, waiting to be reborn,
knowing as I pay homage to you,
it is you that I have adorn.
Anguish all about, overwhelming solitude,
tortured with my thoughts, memories profoundly empty,
burden my tender heart, this must be my destiny.
You being the one I adore, preferred above the rest,
sweet docile martyr, who has filled my empty chest.
Foolish that I am, beckon your very call,
emotions abound so deep, enthrall my morbid soul.
Summons to you, begging forgiveness to say the least,
potent idleness, anxiety set so deep,
gilded by my love for thee, powerless hindered with your charm,
emotions sweet sound shimmering in my mind,
nourish horizons waiting to be born.
Sunrises moist rays, breaking through the misty haze,
beckoning my call to thee.
Merest whims of your perfume fill my aching head,
memories of days gone by, grandeur of us in bed.
Heavy breathing, as bodies being ravished,
unique alluring body fair, flesh so sweet,
your exotic countenance, tells all disputes not,
enthralls your bed abyss.
Flung upon us whence subtle idleness lay,
Aromatic splendor of another day.
Immense dispute upon our dubious remorse,
cruel that is dead, augments swoon seduces sweet accords,
senses melted powerless, answers not consoling,
preferred harmony amiss.
Convey feelings waiting to be kissed.