Feigned Love
Feigned Love
By Dane A. Smith-Johnsen
Escape is there. Beyond the window, songs of nature call.
The stillness of the evening sounds the flicker’s serenade.
He sings, and sings, and sings again until his mate flitters near.
Then silence falls upon those two. They rest, for love is dear.
Subtle chirps of hope burst forth from every corner of the night.
From life ‘til death heart’s love songs beg to share another day.
Soon human minds anticipate sweet dreams, will upon them fall;
Instead, poor souls memorize love feigned. Oh, it conquers all.
Imaginary days of trust turn pale and vanish with the dawn.
Sadly, love dries up too soon when deceit makes one a pawn.
So, hope and pray for blessings which life surely must have in store.
And when love falls upon trust’s ears, just open up the door.
© Dane Ann Smith-Johnsen
Written around or before
January 2005
Poetic form: Rhyme