Combining the words “Fianna” and “Bard”, I give you the warrior-poet clan of the Fiard.
Also, a fiard is an inlet of the sea with low banks on either side, common along the Gulf of Finland, and formed by the post-glacial drowning of the Fenno-Scandian shield.
I give you the first Fiard’s ritual -
First of all, we thank the sacred 3 which is now known as Awen. In this ritual they shall be the earth, the moon and sun. And for the 3 worlds in which we roam. Starting we face towards the east, from where our sun does come, we thank the element of Air, also intelligence comes from there. And the wishes of the Ancient Ones. Its symbol is the Dagger, and its king is Lugh.
Turning now to the north, its element is our sacred Earth. As we honour all living beings on her, whether they’re trees or animals, they are all gifts from the Ancient Ones. The symbol of Earth is the pentacle or disc, and its mighty lord of animals, Cernunnos.
Now spinning to the west, where our sun does rest. The element there is water; its symbol therefore is the chalice, the cup. The waters of life do heal us and purify our being. The king of water is Llyn.
Now we face the south, its element is fire which has strong guardians called salamanders, with teeth dripping with poison. Fire’s symbol is the wand (preferably out of Hazel). The king of fire is Belenos.
Focusing now back to the centre where the fifth element is Spirit. In spirit all mysteries are revealed. Spirit flows through all things; spirit is the sacred, the hallowed, the pure, the unspoken. Spirit is Being beyond form. Spirit unites us in the Isles of the blessed. We send now peace to all 4 quarters, turning slowly 3 times giving our thanks. Then I, the elected throws 4 staves in the centre, one for each symbol, and return with it on the next ritual. Now leaving the sacred circle by which your symbol does represent, the ritual now over, but when we return time, you must enter In the same direction with your symbol held out straight in both hands. We finish with the whisper of Awen.