Fickle Love By:Gideon Cecil
The macaws are singing for you in the rain,
Your lover is kissing you again.
What's all his kisses worth
If he breaks your heart and flirt?
Love is like a lost memory on the pages of the sea,
If he loves you sincerely only God in heaven knows.
Love is like the wind that comes and goes
He loves you today
Tomorrow he walks away.
His heart like a branch that sways
a false trust that's like the fading sun's rays.
Love not the elegant face you see
Nor the moon beam in his eyes.
Love the inner soul you cannot see
Then your love is trusted into eternity.
One heart his fictive love betray,
A next beauty leads his heart astray.
What fictive love you display,
By your elegant glass that's broken today?
She loves you today and calls you honey,
Flirts with another then steal your money.
Oh my this stage of love looks funny!
Then she left you for a next man's money.
Looks can deceive the anxious soul
The eyes of the flesh sees little to behold.
Love is a thing that tickles the heart
tumbles the brain but difficult to explain.
Let your love and heart be trusted first on God above
Then He will Guide your soul to be joined as
one to your immortal love.