Fictional Dream
In realms of fantasy, they find their thrill
A world of wonder, where hearts stand still
A escape from reality's harsh light
Where danger's allure, is a siren's call to fight
They'd rather dance with dragons, than face the day
Embrace the unknown, than live in a world of grey
Their hearts beat fast, with a hero's desire
To leave the mundane, and set their souls on fire
In fiction's embrace, they find their delight
A world of magic, where darkness takes flight
They'd rather risk it all, for a taste of the unknown
Than live a life of norms, where adventure is but a moan
For in the pages, of a well-worn book
They find their courage, their heart, their hook
A way to escape, the dull and the grey
And live a life of wonder, in a world of play
So let them dream, let them roam
In the realms of fantasy, where hearts call home
For in the fiction, they find their glee
A way to live, wild and free.