Field of Nightmares
The weight of the world lies heavy on my shoulders
Like the burden of a boulder, as the world grows colder
Never seen but always felt, an imagined force weakens the heart
Rending the soul like sharpened blades, ripping flesh apart
Taking no pleasure in life, no solace promised in death
Life becomes more difficult with each passing breath
With love like a barren field, replete with vines and cracked earth
A wicked despair entangled in thorns, lingering since birth
Travelers traverse these weary plains, strangers all and never seen
Blinded with sorrow and fear, this life is like it’s always been
Sadness sewn reaps further misery, harvested with broken tools
A choked waste of loathsome pity, what sad tormented fools
No rituals can cleanse the land and purge the darkened Fates
When given to my destiny, the stars aligned in purest hate
To suffer the pain of dejection, living through cold rejection
A simple passage etched in stone with wisdom that we seek
Love... is but... an illusion... created... to sustain... the weak...