Fifty Years
Fifty Years
(To Barbara, with love, on our 50th wedding anniversary)
By Franklin Price
It has now been fifty years, of love, and work, and play.
Seems that when we first began, was only yesterday.
I know God had a voice in it. I'm glad he had a say
He still is watching over us, as we move along the way
Could not have done it by ourselves, we both had tried before.
Had already played the game, three to nothing was the score.
I asked if you would marry me and try this thing once more
We threw caution, to the wind, and opened up the door.
We should have known, our wedding night, that we would go the mile.
You were looking beautiful, as you were walking down the aisle.
Our wedding vow of sickness, was one that made us smile.
You were ill that evening, no consummation for awhile.
Through the years we've done a lot, and shared the race we've run,
Proudly raised a daughter, she was our only one.
Blessed us with grandchildren, they're grown and lots of fun.
We tell anyone who listens, about all the things they've done
Both our parents gone, we're the elders that we've got
Our house and cars are paid for, there's roast beef in the pot
Our parts are all still working, that's saying quite a lot
We're not done until we're finished, and we certainly are not
I can't imagine anyone, to even think I will refrain,
That could have made me happier, to come in from the rain,
To fill my life completely, so I never missed the train,
I'm ecstatic, your my loving wife, and best friend, Barbara Jane