Fighting For Fairness
Liberty is not a synonym for ravenous self-determination.
For every freedom to grow
there is a reciprocal freedom from incursion.
When our individual or national purpose
reduces self-with-other mutual determination
and reiterative processes of evolving redetermination
down to autonomous libertarianism
as freedom from infringements,
then our pursuit of happiness
is no longer concomitant with our hopes for growing health,
and our pursuit of wealth-hoarding freedoms
becomes idolatrously removed from unifying roots
of equal democratic liberties of and for all,
freedom to optimize wealth of health,
happiness through mutually nurturing freedoms.
Selfishly autonomous determination,
articulating cause for self-justifying violence,
delineating causes of nationalism's self-without-other exterminations,
is not the original intent of democratic healthy purpose,
is heading toward monoculturing degeneration instead,
the opposite of multiculturing regenerate freedoms
to pursue our mutually optimizing wealth
of health.
Beware economists and politicians who speak of growing freedoms
yet remain silent about both personal and public prerequisite investments
in history's nondual development
of healthy wealth
as wealth for regenerating health
of multi-generations.
Beware of those who advocate your freedom
to self-optimize,
freed of cooperative mutual tax investments
while hiding our collective responsibilities
to cooperatively own healthy authorities
for recycling Earth's most deeply resonant integrity
of health-wealthing democratic values,
Yang's ego-centric freedom to love
Yin's eco-centric freedom from oppression,
sunk by patriarchal hubris
of anthro self-determination.
Pursuit of global liberty
is not a safe cover story,
much less a synonym,
for self with other interdependent determinations
of and for cooperatively growing wealth,
further investing in Earth's culture of integral health.
Elitist pursuits of self-determination
disguised as synonymous with complex freedom networks
thrusting anthro-authority over eco-responsibility,
has brought us to this precipice of climate pathology,
and not shared integrity
of healthy global climates.