Fighting the Embrace
We have taken up arms
Against what has been rejected
Inoculated ideology
To prevent perfection from being infected
All energies focused on creating
A world promised, yet not attained
Hiding sins and transgressions
By jailing the saints
Cycle after cycle set to repeat
Medal adhered, firmly, to the feet
Ride on, brother and sister
....ride on
But try to make it count
Reason every season
Walk the talk
To reveal what LIFE is all about
Outside, in depth
Everywhere you go
Exposing or hiding
Someone will always know
It is the fear of what will be
That holds the power of what we see true
Perception of self, destroyed
Identity, armed and deployed worthless
So tired of the fight
Just wanting to be known, in life
Fully embraced and accepted
Judgment pulls the lure
Invites and adjures
To idealize the perfected
Written by Trudy Schrader on 03-04-2023