Fill My Heart With Happiness
Perhaps I'll leave my window open
as my mind drifts silently off to dream
There'd be fields so lush and skies so blue
a perfect peaceful setting scene
I'd sit and I'd smile at all that's right
in a world of harmony,
where the air is pure, the streams run clean
and the hummingbirds fly free.
When the winds blow in and kiss my cheek
and the morning sun begins to rise
When my thoughts race rampantly and run ever so wild
I'll see that same beauty, that same peace
in your soft, ever loving, almond eyes.
I'll sit up and I'll smile
taking it all in
The smell of fresh baked biscuits
will fill the room and my heart with warmth
and surround it with happiness
my eyes will form a slight mist knowing
knowing I'm already here
the place that dreams are made of
where amazing sunsets go to live on forever
where the birds are always singing a playful tune
where whispers of I love you can always be heard
where the sun shines a little brighter
and every sight of you causes me to forever swoon