Final goodbye
In our hug
My body shakes
As it strikes me
That this is the last.
This is goodbye.
No sleepovers
That fill the house
With endless screeching,
Inside jokes and continuous laughter.
No horror movies
Encouraging the thrills and scares
While one sits upright,
Unaffected by the terrors adorning the screen.
No pillow fights forced upon us
As the other grabs a pillow and starts hitting,
A constant repetition of ‘pillow fight’
Until they can’t breathe.
No painting nails or the face masks that never got done.
No outings together
Where exploration is done, pictures are snapped
And enjoyment is had.
No more fights for the front seat
That end with one winner.
No dumb jokes from me
That is followed by one laugh;
The only appreciator of the terrible humour.
Family gatherings of that side
Will never be the same.
There will be dread as we go
Because there are cliques within
And ours has been snatched from our grasp.
No more dishing of drama
From the tea fairy herself.
We had our last sleepover,
One final outing was missed
But the clique was together
At that last family gathering
Of a big celebration.
The last of the tea
Had been dished to the group.
One final meal
And the last in-person hug
As we bid them goodbye
With tears in our eyes.
Its goodbye
To another set of cousins.
Now its our turn.