Final Rest
Death is never meant to be like this
wrapped in the disguise of a lady's kiss
it's suppose to be the final rest
when the soul has passed every test
but this is different in every way
the kiss is made of everything i could ever say
it is a sweetest surrender into another life
it was when i knew you would be my wife
it was that kiss that you gave to me
it was the very thing that made me see
but life is never eternal in this world of ours
life ends here beneath this world of falling stars
it ended in a final kiss
which holds everything i would ever miss
the love, the passion, the burning life
all split apart by the edge of a jealous knife
i had it all and all was too much
no more kiss, no more life, no lingering touch
so i guess what death means is this
that there can be no final rest in a woman's kiss