Find My Nest
I spend a lot of time by myself contemplating,
The rest of the world spends their time just waiting.
I am so indecisive, so I am endlessly debating,
I care about my future, my past keeps fading.
I love to be alone, because I am my own best friend,
Everything begins now, meanwhile all the rest ends.
I typically go crazy, at least every other year,
I have done things to my family, that every mother fears.
I have chosen to write poetry, make it my career,
I have quit my drugs, I have quit drinking beer.
I have always been very special,
I refer to my body as my precious vessel.
At least I can say, that I have tried my best,
I reveal my life a little, then I hide the rest.
I know there is a heart that is inside my chest,
I love the concept of family, so I find my nest.