Forget everything, my love, look into my burning eyes.
Intrude into my molten heart, forget your cold disguise.
Revel in the flick’ring light that warms your precious soul.
Embrace the white-hot passion, and it will make you whole.
Do you recall the night when the spark was first alive?
So ordered were my struggles, till I began to strive,
For you, and my veins filled with liquid fire at a blink.
All structures are now blazing, and I can hardly think.
I fear—for mighty fires in the end are merely ash.
I cry—the tears form into steam before they splash.
I doubt—will this passion last throughout the chilly night?
I fall—and see the answer writ in soft starlight.
Yes, come to me, for I know the fire never sleeps.
Though it bears many forms, desire always keeps.
April 23, 2016