Fire In the Prophets and Prophetesses
Painful truths must have been conveyed
To the people who had no ears
Prophets and prophetesses
Took courage against the fear of men
Your love would cause people’s hatred
Your courage would bring you much pain
You would taste loneliness
You would endure accusations
You were not physically strong
You were sensitive like everyone else
You shed tears from disappointment
You cried with discouragement
Please forget me God
I’m not good enough to fulfill your will
Please make me disappear
I was born from an imperfect mother
But the fire burning inside of you
Grew bigger and hotter
The heat from unexpressed truth
Exceeded your limits of endurance
Painful truths must have been conveyed
To the people who had no ears
Prophets and prophetesses
Took courage against the fear of men
They could accept isolation
Caused by people’s intolerance
They could endure pain
Caused by people’s hatred
They suffered, because they loved
Fire in the prophets and prophetesses
Burning also inside you
People hate you, because you love them