An amazing moonlit hazy walk,
A knotted wooden park bench to talk,
A slip of the arm over her petite shoulder
Heart racing, she smiles, he’s feeling bolder
He rises and outreaches his shaky hand,
Coaxing her to embrace as they stand,
Slowly he pulls her close to his large frame
She’s so shy, wondering if it will ever be the same
He gives a deep throaty sigh, a meek glimpse
Blinking slow, he’s focussing on lips,
A gentle blast of minty breath,
Her mahogany eyes on his black eyes, they rest,
Her eyes on his, searching south,
To that fading smile and perfect heart-shaped mouth,
Unbeknownst, her fingers rise to touch it, so smooth
He relaxes, he’s paralysed, with her touch, he can’t move
Her lips, he sees, seem plump and ready
Her heart racing, her chest rises unsteadily
Her flushed cheeks giving a sly smile
His thoughts, he realise, are going wild
The wind blows her hair, crazy thoughts; anticipation,
Unbelief at this wonderful, final situation,
Longing looks leading to this tight embrace,
The girl of his dreams, now fantastically face to face
Speech gone, syllables lost, even ‘yes’, ‘no’, ‘maybe so’,
Pleads not for her to converse, frozen from head to toe
She realises his great height, she cannot reach his lips
He realises too, like this is written in a script
His frame lowers down, his eyes start to close
She wraps her arms round, rises on the balls of her toes
Her heart beating against his chest, he cannot resist,
His lips finally touch hers, they melt, in their very first kiss