First and Last
This day the 15th of february
I start to write again a poetry
For u my young manly
We have this valentine's party
It made me happy
Knowing we have this thingy
Dresses is not my type
But I think i should wear that kind
Or else im gonna out of place this night
I did not expect anything
But more on happiness and dancing
Swaying with my bestfriends
Laughing with the gals that trend
But before the party ends
in the middle of all the ladies and gentlemens
U ask me to dance
U ask if I want the chance
Because i was joyful that time
I let ur hand lend mine
Ur girl come to ask and see us
Then u said 'i just want to let her dance'
Im so nervous
Knowing that she might be jealous
But she said 'its okay my precious
But let all of my friend be ur dance in gracious'
U did not say anything
Instead we sway and start dancing
Even the sounds goes wildly
We dance semi slowly
U don't want to look in my eyes
The same way we feel through nights
The time still not reach in half
But I insist u to dance next my bff
U did not care
And dance me still just like in my nightmare
I take that chance
To be happy in ur arms and charms
But then we stop suddenly
Then u smile to me
And I smile happily
So thankfully that ur the one
Who dance me alone
After that
U did not ask my friend to dance
That night
I don't know how to feel
I don't want to expect it's real
I think for many possible reason
Then suddenly came up into my mind this question
'Did he ask me to dance because i looked pitiful person?
No one to dance on
And no one to care on my own'
And then i thought
I don't need any reason
As long as u dance with me alone
Even u have a girl u still let me dance on ur own
Even u take it as a friendly glance
I still want to thank you for the chance
Coz' that night you are my first and last dance.