First Date
First date
Is most lingering
And the most memorable
Happenings in ones’ life
Especially to anyone
Who has fallen in love!
When the first date
Happened in ones’ first love!
It is an unforgettable
Moment in ones’ life, there’s the killjoy and the escort
Consider the many anxieties
The first kiss followed with many other more
The sensuality and the success,
Sometimes the tragedy and trauma ending a first love
The prelude and the postlude
Everything in the deep recesses of the mind and heart.
Which date a culmination of elopement and unplanned marriage
The unmentionable the precedent superseded by a bigger event.
The behind the scenes back-up by denials and alibis and escapades!
The hideaways of movies and parks
The torrid kissings, the necking, and pettings
The secret personal meeting
And the discovery…the upheaval and the infantisizing stage!
You never know and you’ll never forget!
Dalila Agtani