First Love
We all took a mid-afternoon nap in kindergarten. Spreading out our little sleeping rugs on the classroom floor. Bonnie Harmon was a cute little blond with blue eyes and great legs. I was a 'leg man' and I guess it all started then.
Girls wore dresses in 1946. We boys, at least those I had talked to about this, would lay on our little rugs pretending to sleep, but actually ... you know ... we'd be checking out the little girls. Bonnie was hot and I always tried to get a spot down stream of her to spread out my rug.
When we moved around the school, for auditorium events and stuff we had to line up two by two. - One time they told us we would see a very historical world event. They had a 17” TV on the stage and 500 of us got to watch the coronation of Queen Elizabeth. Or maybe it was her wedding. I am not sure of that, or the year either. But it was around then. - Anyway, Bonnie and I always managed to get next to each other to hold hands on our march to where-ever. One day I found a penny on the ground on my way to school. - We walked back then. I would walk the first half with my mom and the rest of the way alone. - That day we lined up for some big event in the gym. When Bonnie reached for my hand I slipped her the penny.
Bonnie went on to first grade but I was a little too young for that and had to do what they called pre-primmer. I never saw her again.
That next winter mom said we would have a new member in the family. She asked me what I would like to name the new baby. I said if it was a girl I wanted to call her Bonnie. My sister Bonnie, (Bonita Ann) was born that following February. And she simply loves her name. Really!
written 10.04.2016