First Love As a Nine Year Old
It was a vision, I do declare,
as she just stood - standing there.
I couldn’t breathe. My heart had stopped,
and oh, my word, my jaw had dropped!
She looked at me, well I think she did,
so, I looked around and heaven forbid
it was me, for sure it was;
I looked again, just because
I needed proof, I was the one,
but unfortunately, by then, she’d gone!
It was in the park, I know too sure,
a park I’d never been before.
The girl with the sea green eyes,
had taken me by surprise.
At nine years old I took it bad,
but now I think I’m pretty glad
I fell in love, then felt the pain,
though things would never be the same!
How can anyone compare
to the girl who stood standing there?
I never knew her, such a shame
yet I’ve only myself to blame.
I should have just said ‘hello’
you never know how things might go.
I bottled it and I do regret
that on that day we never met!
The memory I still replay,
but cannot change events that day.
I hope she’s well and found someone,
Someone to love, to belong.
Would I change things? I wouldn’t! Never!
That day's etched on my mind forever.