First Noah and the Ark Now Jesus
Long ago... As God seen the
wickedness of mankind.
Noah was the only righteous
man he could find.
He gave Noah instructions
to build a large boat
To be filled with every animal...
from a giraffe to a goat.
This ask would be built
in 120 years.
Put together by much
sweat and tears.
No one believed Noah that the
rain would come.
When the rain came.
There was nowhere to run.
The ark was their only refuge.
The only safe place.
While God destroyed much
of the human race.
Jesus is the ark today.
A place of refuge for you.
Through the adversities of life.
He will see you through!
The door to this ark will be
shut so very soon!
So come in right now.
While there is still room!
By Jim Pemberton