First Pets
I loved each and every one of my pets
Such fond memories one never forgets
My frog Buddah was a friendly little critter
Like Leo the lizard but they gave mom the jitters
I brought home Slick the snake and Brutis the spider so cool, creepy and slimey
Mom let out a shriek and said "get them out of the house they're icky and grimey"
As I tried to capture other things mom yelled "STOP they carry rabies"
Hey, what can I say? I didn't know any better I wasn't much older than a baby
I once brought home some cool looking ants
Once again mom wasn't very pleased as she found them in her pants
I attempted to catch a cool looking bee
Mom yelled but it was too late I got stung in the knee
I brought home a jar of worms
Oh how those buggers made mom squirm
What I brought home next was apparently a tick
Mom said "oh no baby those carry Lyme disease and can make you real sick
I brought home some crickets that made such a cool sound
Loose in the house mom was none too happy as it was a couple of weeks before they were all found
The last pet I found on my own was a cute little mouse
Mom and I came to a compromise and she said "if you stop bringing critters home I'll buy a cat for the house"