First Taste of Love
My first taste of love
Seemed so bittersweet
It was like entering Heaven
Each time that we'd meet
Her beauty angelic
She only lacked wings
Ann in the middle
Her Irish eyes gleamed
I'm no angel named Michael
You in your own way a con
For stealing my heart
Then we went to prom
Then came the hell
When you went away
Your forces aimed high
I died some that day
We took different paths
In each of our lives
And on 7-7-97
I was to make you my wife
Yet the day never came
It wasn't to be
I would have given my all
And gave all of me
You'll always be special
For you were my first
I give thanks for your love
During my time on earth
You made me a man
In more than one way
You'll be the regret that I carry
Till my dying day