First Told
I didn’t seem quite old enough
Barely more than a child myself
When I was first told
I didn’t know quite what to say
Hell, it didn’t seem that long ago
I used the words myself
It didn’t seem that long ago
I called him daddy
And there was a special lady
I called my mom
Now here I am
Not yet sure of who I am
About to be called the same myself
Not knowing how to handle the feelings
The joy, the amazement, the wonder of it all
I never felt such a thing
Never felt so, so unworthy
Or had such a sweet song to sing
As when I was first told
How can one such as me
Be blessed with someone like you
It’s something I’ll wonder all my life
It’s a day I’ll never forget
When your mother
First told me about you
NOTE*** This is from my CD A Father’s Love Letters
To listen to the CD please visit