He told them to cast their nets off to the right
This man who was on shore just barely in sight
Having caught nothing at all all throughout that night
Now darkness was giving way to the early morning light
And as their nets quickly began to overflow
One Apostle called out, it is the Lord for this I know
Hearing this being said, Peter's eyes open wide
And what he did next, well I nearly broke down and cried
Unable to wait, Peter swam to the shore
Where he was greeted by Jesus, so lovingly, so pure
What a moment in time that that must have been
And the Lord will also forgive you of all your sin
For three times had Peter denied the Lord, as the cock would crow
Swearing to each of the three, that this Man he did not know
And so it is to you with this poem that I wrote
Jesus is calling, come on get out of the boat
Mark 1:17
And Jesus said unto them,
Come ye after me,
and I will make you to become fishers of men.