Five Or More
Five Or More
What is normal when I lie in bed at night wishing I had a man. Not just any man but the man I have prayed for repeatedly. An associate of mine approached me and asked how come You do not have a man? Many people say, “be specific in your prayer tell GOD the height, weight, race, income bracket, body type and heart of the man you want. “
Yeah, I begin to wonder why she has been married five times. Is she praying for a specific man and getting pieces of a man with every marriage? Who are they to tell me anything about a man? Yes, I want a man to love me, love GOD, love people, love to share, cuddle, talk, exercise, work, discuss matters, share his feelings, cook a little, laugh a lot, healthy, thoughtful, has an income, thinks outside the skull, generous to charities, wants to travel and does… with me by his side. This special one person I pray for is not somebody else’s man or husband. I want my own. Maybe this is the difference between me and her who has a lot to teach a grown woman like myself how to get a man. Viagra for women is sufficient in helping me get a man. I want a real man though. I want one to find me who love women, respect women write, plans, and asks questions, read a lot, know how to make me feel like a lovable woman always…even when he is away.
I never meant to be single my whole life here on earth. Somebody, please let this man find me. I want to be found. I want to allow what the man binds on earth to be bound in heaven. Let me BE! Stop marrying every man who travels along the road to his destiny to find his bride. I am no different than you. I can be a good match for he who asks and finds me. GOD has someone for everyone. He never said I have five or more for some.
Carolyn Y. Palmer