Love Poem: Flames of Love
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Written by: Regina Mcintosh

Flames of Love

When love strikes the heart, like the lightening hit, wonder consumes the lover, whispering night’s regrets. While the springtime reaches into the soul with its song of soundless breath, the summer reminds the spirit that forever is so near. Autumn blows its steely light across indigo skies, soothing the soul with a grace so stirring it seems flawless and surely knows just how to console the stormy weather. Winter seeks its place with the lover, beckoning with shadowy regrets, causing the silence to finds its voice, the moment its everlasting presence. When love strikes the heart, like lightening marks the skies, there is the music, the wonder, the escape of a night beyond the starlit delight. When love strikes the heart, the moments become more gentle, warmer, kinder. The music that was once just empty promises, becomes the vow between two who know what it is to love without reason, to love through every season, realizing that love is what the heart sees in… a marriage so very pleasing. It is love that brings life its melody. It is love that brings the soul its dream. It is love that sees through everything and still ignites the heart with a remarkable flame!

flames of hope, faith, love
hear the song of gentle grace,
more of love’s embrace