Memories are golden nuggets of the past
those fleeting moments that does not last
stored in the vault of a tempered heart
drives these weary feet down it's present path
Memories of a lost laughter, a stolen smile
when naive innocence happily lingered a while
when toddling hearts were not ruled by needs
love lost call were boldly answered indeed
Memories striving to meet up and grow up
listening to advice of those responsibly atop
losing the secret pathway back to virgin Eden
living a sad lie with hearts so openly hidden
Memories of you and I do linger still
at the fading footfalls of the sun's heels
in quiet moments of truth and noble silence
I face you seemly naked without pretense
Memories are gone just like yesterday
like early morning dew that hates to stay
memories, a slice of heaven made true
because of someone as special as you