Flavor Pies 2
Aloo pie Apple crisp pie gives me gimmie pie
Apple crumble Australian meat pie
Banana cream pie,
Bacon and egg pie
Caramel tart Canelé pie
Derby pie
Empanada, Egg tart pie
Flan pie
Gibanica pie
Homity pie
I juz lov me sum all kinds of pies
Jamaican patty pie
Key lime pie
Lemon ice box pie , Lemon meringue pie
Mince pie , Mississippi mud pie
Neenish Tart pie
Öçpoçmaq-Echpochmak pie
Peach pie , Pumpkin pie
Quiche pie
Raisin pie
Shaker lemon pie, Southern tomato pie shortcrust pastry
Tiropita pie
Umm! all them pies, types on my mind pie, pie, pie
Vlaai pie
Walnut pie
X solent yummy yum-yum got yo get me some
Zelnik pies juz B 4 my eyes down my throat to my stomach, Yum!
written words by James Edward Lee Sr.© 2020