Flaws and All
He loved her.
Flaws and all
There wasn’t anything anyone could
say or do to make him feel otherwise.
There wasn't anything SHE could say
or do to make him stop.
she was all he had and he loved her;
he loved her sense of humour
the face she made whenever she
figured something out.
the passion she had
the fire in her eyes.
Many have tried.
many have failed.
he could never see her in a different
light but that of his imagination.
she captured his soul and wore it in a
vile around her neck proudly
He loved how she detest people.
people doesn’t cut it.. humans. she
detest humans.
He loved all her flaws
all her scars & dirty laundry.
he didn’t care that she had 4 kids by
four different guys
or that she had daddy issues.
He didn’t care;
that she couldn’t start her day off
without a little glen, jack & johnny.
he didn’t care that she wasn’t the
“ideal” girl. she was his girl.
Her beauty. Oh man her beauty, he
would walk for miles on end just to
see that smile.
To carry her over his shoulder when
she’s had too much to drink.
To wake up next to her in the
Nobody understood why. they
probably never will.
But she did.
He saw past the facadé
what he really saw was a little girl in a
womans body; with little time left in
the world. All he wanted was for her
to have someone. For her not to leave
the way her mother and grandmother
And their mothers before.
- Indie Goddess -
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