Love Poem: Flesh N Bone

Flesh N Bone

Flesh is a better word than bone
dried far better than fried
listless better than witless
Verklempt ever so superior to weeping

or am I wrong?

bone is white, lonely, brittle, bleached, stripped, broken?...beached, deserted

Flesh is rich, soft, mushy, tender, supple, pink, pale, peach-ed, and even fuzzed

fried is hot, hard, dissolved, drenched, fattening and frankly frightening
dried, is course, crisp, weathered, worn, reduced, reducted to its bitter sugar sweetness be so forsaken and confused

listless, is a bowl of cold soup,a pillow, a couch,a silent room, a overstuffed chair, a rainy day,a clock ticking, a pencil in hand suspended above a white page....dormant with possibility...a chrysalis held captive in time, a photograph

weeping..falling drops of water melted from the snow of soul

Verklempt...honor in sadness, resolve against the high tide of painful truth, speechless, defenseless against the tsunami power of real pain or joy