Flexible Souls
A year that began and lingered long with pandemic and promises. Civil unrest with protest around the globe, crying out for justice. Mighty winds, fire storms, and a long lasting hot summer.
Unprecedented hurricanes, leaving heartache and pain. Some souls caught on fire, while others were cold as ice. There were targeted acts of kindness from people ever so nice.
What has felt like The Twilight Zone never disturbed my soul. On the contrary, many souls as well as mine refused to look down, but dared to look up and constantly discovered Grace and Love.
Yes, in the midst of my personal peaceful state, I still felt the grieving cries and unspeakable pain of a million souls or more. What at times appeared to be 'the worst of times' found a rival with 'the best of times'.
In 2020, I witnessed many a soul like my own whose hearts were much more flexible than ever before realized. A song comes to mind, "Then Sings My Soul My Savior God To Thee; How Great Thou Art, How Great Thou Art".
120920PSCtest, Your Soul in 2020, Chantelle Anne Cooke