Flippant Ghost Tips
Rain clattered against the flashing glass windows opaque and frosty.
Howling winds lapping up the sparkling drops falling in moonlight:
Irritation of the night stalks the castle walls as fire logs burn within.
Candle light sway, on the mirror her face in beauty fondly calls me.
Zombie in crude automation I muster away a flying kiss; tag on a wink.
Shadows vanish as heart throbs break from waves in a lewd love scene.
Yonder curtain floats to curve in silence forgetful of my sly love blink
Tremble in ecstasy of fermenting charm as she walks up to kiss my lip.
Be a friend I am just a tease, as she curves her fingers for me to follow;
Escorts me through the ages and centuries into the vampire cold world:
Taste red as wine, fang your enemies, slice in cold blood, pursue odor.
Or face such fright, to be haunted day and night without an honest fight.
To perspire and sweat it out in dreams is more enchanting than Ghosts
Try to please this jinx but it ignites my tail; FUN? You stink have a bath.